Culture & the Arts
Performing Arts
Stowe is a thriving arts community and offers an incredible variety of the arts and cultural experiences. There is an abundance of entertainment opportunities for those who love the arts. Artists come from all over to paint and draw our beautiful landscape. Musicians of every variety keep our hills alive with the sound of music! Theatrical groups perform many popular shows throughout the year. There are musicals, comedies, dramas, choirs, orchestras, dance, films, and festivals. It’s a unique experience to be able to bring a picnic and sit in a beautiful alpine meadow on the Von Trapp Family property and take in an evening of a Vermont Symphony Orchestra performance while watching the sun set behind the Green Mountains.
Museums & Art Galleries
There is an abundance of museums, art galleries, artists, artisans, and craftsmen all over the area. The artistic talent shows itself at every turn. Be sure to take time to explore the various galleries and studios the next time you’re in Stowe.
The Vermont Ski & Snowboard Museum
Dedicated to collecting, preserving and celebrating Vermont’s skiing and snowboarding history; the museum has new exhibits each year, permanent collections, and a gift shop on site. For more information on hours and becoming a member, with $1400 in benefits, visit: VTSSM.com