Automobile Clubs
The Commodores Inn is located in the heart of Vermont. The Green Mountains and its foothills, fertile valleys, and lakes form an area of scenic splendor unequaled in New England.
You will travel over roads lined with Maple trees, sugar houses, and bedecked with an occasional covered bridge. You’ll meander through classic New England villages marked by their white steeple churches, through valleys scattered with farms, corn and cows. Ride along the shores of pristine alpine lakes and through spectacular gorges and dramatic mountain scenery. You can enjoy a multitude of experiences while exploring the wonders of this diverse landscape.
We provide hoses and plenty of rags for cleaning your cars.
Dear Carrie:
On behalf of everyone who participated in our 2009 Parade of Vettes we want to thank you for providing us a very comfortable and friendly place to stay. The rooms and meals were excellent and the staff was always friendly and very accommodating to our needs.
We are having some 8 x 10 group pictures made and we will bring one to you in the near future.Again, thanks for providing us a great place to stay and feel free to use our names for any reference you may need in the future.
Norm & Lauri Frenette, Directors
Corvette Club of Vermont